[Knowledge] Blockchain Technology [Part 4] – Create virtual currency mining technology


Blockchain Technology [Part 4] –  Create virtual currency mining technology 


Blockchain Technology [Part 4] -  Create virtual currency mining technology


Welcome to Learn Tech Tips blog, Today I will continue to share how to create virtual currency mining technology. If you havn’t read part 1, part 2 and part 3, you should view back

In the Block class we add a $no, this is a variable used when calculating the Hash.

// Author: Zidane – Learn Tech Tips,

// Email: huuvi168@gmail.com

class Block
public $time;
public $data;
public $previous_hash;
public $hash;
public $no;
public $mining_time_stamp;
public $start_mining_time;
public $end_mining_time;

public function __construct($time, $data, $previous_hash = )
$this->time = $time;
$this->data = $data;
$this->previous_hash = $previous_hash;
$this->hash = $this->calc_hash();
$this->no = 0;
$this->mining_time_stamp = 0;
$this->start_mining_time = 0;
$this->end_mining_time = 0;

public function calc_hash()
$data_content = “”;
$data_content = json_encode($this->data);
} else
$data_content = $this->data;

$hash_string = $this->time . $data_content . $this->previous_hash . $this->no;
return hash(‘sha256’, $hash_string);

// mining_block: the core of algorithm mining block
public function mining_block($nonce) {

while (substr($this->hash, 0, $nonce) !== str_pad(, $nonce, “0”) ) {
$this->hash = $this->calc_hash();

Since we need to increase the difficulty every time the Hash, the calc_hash function remains the same, but we create a simple algorithm, that is, it does not accept the generated Hash code that does not meet the requirements.

Our requirement here is that the Hash code must start with 2 or 3 or 4 or even 5 consecutive “0”.

Since the SHA256 algorithm never changes the output for an input string, it is imperative to change the input string to find a satisfactory output Hash.

Therefore, we write a function called mining_block function to repeat the process of “mining” the Hash code for the current Block.

And this mining difficulty depends on the $nonce variable.

If you increase the number of consecutive 0 digits, it takes a long time to loop to find a satisfactory Hash string.

$nonce = 2, it takes 0.001s to find a Hash with 2 consecutive zeros at the beginning.

$nonce = 3, it takes 0.5s to find a Hash with 3 consecutive 0s at the beginning.

$nonce = 4, it takes 3s to find a Hash with 4 consecutive 0s at the beginning.

$nonce = 5, it takes 20s to find a Hash with 5 consecutive zeros at the beginning.

For the BitCoin virtual currency, the difficulty of the algorithm is adjusted so that every 10 minutes there will be a Hash code.

Of course, BitCoin’s algorithm is not as simple as the one here. So you already figured it out.

Proof-Of-Work is also abbreviated as PoW.

The PoW concept applied to the Blockchain is similar to the anti-SPAM and DDOS mechanism for a website using ReCapcha, users who want to verify that they are not an automatic robot have to spend time typing a strange string of characters.

// Author: Zidane – Learn Tech Tips,

// Email: huuvi168@gmail.com

class Blockchain extends Block
public $chain = array();
public $nonce = 0;

public function __construct()
$this->chain[] = new Block(time(), “Genesis Block”);
$this->nonce = 3;

public function get_latest_item()
return $this->chain[count($this->chain) – 1];

public function add_new_block($time, $data)
$previous_hash = $this->get_latest_item()->hash;

$block = new Block($time, $data, $previous_hash);

$start_mining_time = microtime(true);
$block->start_mining_time = gmdate(“Y-m-dTH:i:sZ”, (int)$start_mining_time);
$end_mining_time = microtime(true);
$block->end_mining_time =gmdate(“Y-m-dTH:i:sZ”, (int)$end_mining_time);

$mining_time_stamp = $end_mining_time * 1000$start_mining_time * 1000;
$block->mining_time_stamp = $mining_time_stamp;

$this->chain[] = $block;

public function validate()
for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->chain); $i++) {
$current_block = $this->chain[$i];
$previous_block = $this->chain[$i1];

if ($current_block->hash != $current_block->calc_hash()) {
return false;

if ($current_block->previous_hash != $previous_block->hash) {
return false;

return true;

We need to create a variable $nonce in the Blockchain.

Then we call $block->mining_block($this->nonce); so that every time we create a new Block (add_new_block function), we have to dig a new Hash code for it.

Leave your comment if you need discuss anything about Blockchain technology

Learn Tech TipsZidane

Full source code you can checkout here – BlockchainsControllers_v2.php

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