[Tips] How to undo a sent mail in Gmail


[This tips for gmail user]

You clicked send, oh crap…
When you send a no take backs email, or reply all. It feel like there’s no going back.

Meet Gmail’s Undo Send feature, a lifesaving little hack buried in the Gmail Labs settings. It give you a 20-second window to “undo” sending an outgoing email. You just have to enable it first.

Follow my instruction, you can easy to config it

1. Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of your gmail window and select settings from the dropdown menu

2. Select “General” tab and navigate to “Undo Send”

How to undo a sent mail in Gmail

3. Check the “Enable Undo Send” radio button

4. Using the dropdown menu, extend the cancellation period from 5 to 20 second

5. Scroll down and click “Save changes”

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