[Tips] Babelua extension of Visual Studio for cocos2dx Developer


Babelua extension of Visual Studio for cocos2dx Developer

As we know

Cocos2d-x is an open-source game framework written in C++, with a thin platform dependent layer. It is widely used to build games, apps and other cross platform GUI based interactive programs. There are also JavaScript and Lua bindings included!

Brand New Graphic Renderer: The Cocos2d-x renderer is optimized for 2D graphics with OpenGL. It supports skeletal animation, sprite sheet animation, coordinate systems, effects, multi-resolution devices, textures, transitions, tile maps, and particles. It adopts a RenderQueue design.

For Cocos2dx developer using Lua script language. I want to introduce you use Babelua extension of Visual studio. That can help you debug, highlight syntax of lua very well.
You can download Babelua from here
and reference how to setup Babelua in below link
Babelua is  a free lua editor/debuger (vs2012/2013/2015 extension)
Advance features:
code highlight and auto completion;
syntax error check;
lightweight project management;
preview file outline and jump;
list token references quickly;
object-oriented model support;
Formatting code;
deeply integrate into visual studio. run debugger/set breakpoint/watch variable/call stack and so on, just like use native debugger.