The previous topic we had discussed about the Private key Encryption, we’ll continue the next security topics. We’ll enhance the private key encryption through public key encryption
What is public key encryption?
– Two different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt the data.
– These two keys are mathematically related.
– One is the public key and other is the private key. They come as a pair
– The public key encryption is also know asymmetric key encryption because two different keys are used
– Public key is public to anyone, while the private key belongs only to the person who creates these two keys.
– Here is the example
Although Mary’s private key can verify no one read or changed the document in transport, it cannot verify the sender, because Mary’s public key is public. Anyone can use it to encrypt his document and send it to Mary while pretending to be Tom
In order to prove the sender, they need another technique: digital signature … We’ll discuss about it on another topics
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